MPLAN, Manitoba’s RPL network, celebrated 25 years of service in 2020. As we move forward into 2022, we hope to continue the heritage of getting together with Manitoba’s RPL communities to share RPL innovations, challenges, and heartwarming success stories from individuals who have started to turn dreams into reality. Manitoba’s RPL communities have many opportunities to serve new Canadians in attaining their goals and dreams.
See our brochure (PDF).
MPLAN members represent organizations such as adult learning centres, adult literacy programs, essential skills centres, employment and training programs, colleges, universities, regulatory authorities, sector councils, immigrant-serving and supporting agencies, employers, and Government departments. We invite you to join our membership ranks at a very reasonable cost… Please click here to select the best category to fit your needs.
A benefit to joining is that it can help those new to the RPL field build the knowledge, attitudes, confidence and recognition required to succeed as prior learning practitioners. Word of our network has spread beyond provincial and national borders and we continue to help colleagues in other jurisdictions replicate our success.
In 2015 we offered our first session on the new Quality Assurance for RPL in Canada: The Manual launched in Toronto at the Canadian Association for Prior Learning Assessment ( conference.
MPLAN hosts many other workshops, webinars and Community of Learning opportunities: RPL Pathways to Meaningful Employment, Groningen Declaration Network and ECE RPL Pathways, Indigenous RPL, RPL and Micro-credentials, RPL Advising, RRC-MPLAN RPL Sharing Circle, Assessing the Qualifications of Refugees: Best Practices and Guidelines, RPL Military, and (view recordings under each link or the RESOURCES drop down menu).
We would be happy to offer sessions according to your needs, so if you work with or for regulatory bodies, immigrant professional associations, employers, industry, government, English as an additional language facilitators, post-secondary institutions, RPL consultants, career development groups, or others, please contact us so we may better serve your RPL interest and needs in RPL activities including building a RPL system within an organization, RPL advising, methods of assessing prior learning, RPL resources, and RPL portfolios.
I invite you to come and join the MPLAN board and members as they continue to serve Manitobans by helping them to “excavate learning from their deeply layered experience sites,” (Marienau, C. Why the Adult Brain Likes PLA. 2015) receive credit if learning meets the required standard, and journey forward to live their dreams!