Community of Learning Event: RPL for Recognizing Knowledge – Professional, Linguistic, Traditional

Webinar Date and Time: June 17, 2024 10:30 – 12:00 C.S.T.

RPL allows regulatory bodies, service providers, employers, and educational institutions to assess and recognize learning and competencies individuals have gained in environments different from the conventional settings assumed in our systems.  In this session, we will hear about efforts at the College of Registered Nurses of Manitoba to utilize RPL to be able to onboard nurses trained outside Canada in a time of pressing shortages in the provincial health care system.  We will hear about efforts at WELARC, the Winnipeg English Language Assessment and Referral Centre, to use RPL as part of its assessment of EAL newcomers seeking benchmark scores that allow them to proceed with further language training or other educational and employment opportunities.  And we will hear about the efforts of the International Indigenous RPL Collective to promote recognition of traditional Indigenous knowledge across Western-based systems, as part of the Canadian pursuit of reconciliation.

First Presentation: Use of a Prior Learning Assessment in Registered Nursing Regulatory Processes

Presenter: Suzanne Wowchuk. Suzanne is the Chief of Regulatory Practices and Deputy Registrar at the College of Registered Nurses of Manitoba. She has been a registered nurse for over 30 years, having worked the last 17 in the area of professional regulation. Throughout her professional career, Suzanne has held numerous roles involved in educating multidisciplinary health care teams and assessing future and current RNs, including clinical preceptor, curriculum developer, staff educator, university lecturer, and coach/ mentor. Her regulatory work has ranged from providing registrant consultation and system education to participating in various aspects of registration processes (including standard setting and entry-level competencies, continuing competence requirements, competence assessment and education program approval and exam development) and professional conduct/ complaints resolution. In her current role, she is a member of the senior leadership team at the College with responsibility for the registration and professional conduct departments.

Second Presentation: Canadian Language Benchmarks with WELARC

Presenter: Luigi Tummillo, Executive Director

The discussion will cover what the different levels mean and the purpose of the assessment, the Canadian Language Benchmark Placement Test. The eligibility criteria for the assessment will be examined. Additionally, the registration process for the assessment, the scheduling procedure, and subsequent steps will be outlined. A bit of information about the new assessment tool currently being rolled out will also be provided.

Presenter Bio:

Luigi has been with WELARC for 14 years. He started as a language assessor in 2010, then  became the Head Assessor until 2 years ago when he became the Executive Director at WELARC. Prior to joining WELARC,  Luigi worked in Japan teaching English and training new teachers how to teach English as a foreign language.

Third Presentation: Updates from The International Indigenous RPL Collective 31st Annual RPL Conference

Presenters: Gary McNeely and Colin Russell 

In 2009 at the 20th annual PLA (Prior Learning Assessment) conference a steering committee comprised of representatives from Chile, Ecuador, South Africa and Nunavut was formed to explore the development of an International Indigenous RPL(Recognition of Prior Learning) Collective, based on the principles from the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the Mission and Vision of the World Indigenous Nations Higher Education Consortium.  In May 2023, Gary and Colin attended the annual RPL conference (with the International Indigenous Collective focus) in Belleville ON and will provide an update on the work and learning of the Collective.

Presenter Bios:

Gary McNeely serves the Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition Coordinator at Brandon University and was involved in development and implementation of the PLAR Policy and Procedures in 2000. He has been a CAPLA member and a Manitoba Prior Learning Assessment Network (MPLAN) a board member since 2000. As PLAR Coordinator, he facilitates the assessment of prior learning attained by BU students, while working closely with faculty members serving as assessors. Since 2010, he has included the assessment of non-formal learning (certificates, coursework, and professional training) for academic credit. He is also a Project Team Member, Editor and Grant Writer for the Rural Development Institute at Brandon University. In this capacity, he is exploring the intersection of PLAR and rural community and economic development, rural immigration, and rural policy.

Colin Russell is the Chair of the MPLAN Board, and the Registrar at The University of Winnipeg.  He also teaches in the UW English Department.  Colin has been involved in the University’s RPL-related initiatives since their inception, including the assessment of UW as an Adult Learner Friendly Institution (ALFI); implementation and administration of UW’s CIM to BA (later BBA) program with Boeing, Standard Aero, and Manitoba Hydro; establishment of an evening adult learner advisor position through funding from the Province; and establishment of Military PLAR for veterans and serving members of the Canadian Armed Forces.

Registration is now open. Please click link below to register:

A zoom meeting link for this event with be shared with registrants a few days prior to the event.

Note – the AGM will follow directly after the main presentation. MPLAN members are invited to attend.

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